Thursday, January 24, 2008

Library 2.0

This Library 2.0 stuff isn't really new to me. The Internet and other new technology has made possible a lot of exciting and useful library applications and has brought us many new users. But here in the library world we are required to be all things to all people. Even if we invest a lot of time and $$ in these new applications it doesn't mean that people are going to use it or even like it. Many people, I'm convinced, prefer a low-tech library experience.

But as for myself, I'm grateful for being required to do this program as an excuse to try some of these new applications. I used a computer only once in library school to do an ERIC search. I would still have the results of the search but the ink has long ago evaporated from the roll of thermal paper. Now I'm not sure how I got through most of my life without word processing or being able to call or email my parents and friends every five minutes or google the answers to crossword puzzles. I think I've already done or tried or read about many of the 23 things, but I'm sure there will be some that are new to me.

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